TeX 1995 July
TeX CD-ROM July 1995 (Disc 1)(Walnut Creek)(1995).ISO
Handy Hints
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Handy Hints
Ñ If you double-click on foo.log (or foo.dvi, foo.aux, etc.) to start up OzTeX
then various menu items will show foo.tex or foo.dvi (if these files exist).
OzTeX also looks in foo.log for a known format (after the "&" on line 2) and
updates the current format in the TeX menu so you can typeset foo.tex by
hitting Command-T.
Ñ Hitting Command-C or Command-dot will interrupt most time-consuming tasks.
Ñ Hitting the arrow keys when either the OzTeX window or view window is active
is equivalent to clicking in the scroll bar arrows.
Ñ When viewing a DVI file:
- Click-and-drag within the viewing area to zoom in to a selected rectangle.
- A simple click will zoom in by halving the scale factor.
- Command-click to zoom in by decrementing the scale factor.
- Option-click to zoom out by incrementing the scale factor.
- Shift-click to zoom out by doubling the scale factor.
- Option-Command-click to temporarily zoom right in.
- The box in the lower left corner of the view window shows the position of
the cross cursor in paper coordinates. Click in this box to change units.
Ñ A number of keyboard short cuts make it easier to proofread a DVI file:
- Type "g" to go to a given page and restore the default scale and location.
- Type "n" to move to the top of the next page.
- Type "b" to move to the bottom of the previous page.
- Type "f" to move to the first page.
- Type "l" to move to the last page.
- Hit the space bar to scroll forwards through a document.
- Hit the Delete key to scroll backwards.
- Hit the Return key to see either the view window or the OzTeX window.
- Type "w" to close the view window.
Ñ Type "o" to bypass the view dialog box and open the most recently viewed
DVI page. OzTeX will also restore the previous scale factor and location.
If the view window is open when you type "o" then nothing will happen
(although it will bring the view window to the front if necessary).
Ñ TeX always creates its .log and .dvi files in the current folder.
A number of menu items (such as "TeX...") bring up the standard dialog box
allowing you to change folders and select a certain file. OzTeX makes the
last displayed folder the current folder, even if you choose to Cancel.
Remember this if you want to run INITEX in a particular folder.
Ñ When printing to a PostScript printer, the status window remains open
until the very last page is printed. If you are printing multiple copies
of a single page then it is safe to hit Command-C or Command-dot after the
first copy has been printed.
Ñ The output resulting from "Show All" in the Config menu can be used to create
a syntactically correct configuration file; just select "Save OzTeX Window"
from the File menu.